Cupping Therapy – Markings Explained

Our Certified Cupping therapist explains: Cupping can be used on the neck, shoulders, back, sacral area, hip, abdomen, thigh, upper arms, calves, and in some cases even the forehead or the soles of the feet, depending on the condition. The sensation of cupping is often characterized as deeply warm and relaxing which is created by the increase in circulation in the cupped area. Many people find it incredibly relaxing. It releases rigid soft tissue and stubborn knots. Contracted, tense and painful muscle tissue will soften quickly with just a few minutes of cupping. A Better Way Massage and Acupuncture, Ferndale, WA – 360-366-4216

2 thoughts on “Cupping Therapy – Markings Explained

  1. kaufmanfields

    Fascinating, How long do the, “circles” last, Im guessing they last for quite a while? seems like the same concept as a hickie. I assume people get really great results with this. Thanks for the post – Kaufman Fields – DMEsupplygroup

    1. Yvonne Newgard

      The circles generally leave their discoloration mark for a few days but everyone responds uniquely. The marks are the result of intense stagnation (body fluids and toxins) being released. Negative pressure is created on the skin’s surface by suction so that the various types of cups can be either moved across the skin or parked. Some of the results include an increase in lymph drainage, loosened adhesions, deep tissue release, stagnation moved, relief from inflammation, blood flow stimulation and nervous system sedation.


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